Over years in the field of innovation, we have discovered that creativity can be implemented systematically by following a methodology.

The creative process can be divided into identifiable phases interconnected in a non-directional order. Innovation is a result of the combination, at the right timing, of divergent and convergent thinking. The main three phases of this process are: 1) Leveraging the Context; 2) Creating Insights, Conceptualization, and Formalization of Ideas; 3) Implementation.

In Oobiba Advisors, we have expertise in all the phases of the innovation process, and we guide our partners and clients in the tactical steps to achieve any business requirement.

Leveraging the Context:

How to set up the right environment and networks that allow a cross-pollination of ideas? How to ask the right questions that will automatically lead to innovative answers? We can help you with the following:

  • Market Analysis
  • Consumer Insights
  • Customer Segmentation
  • Business Modeling
  • Systems & Team Performance Analysis
  • Growth & Innovation Strategy
  • Coaching & Workshop Facilitation

Insights, Conceptualization & Formalization of Ideas:

How to ensure the association of apparently disconnected ideas from different fields? How to establish adequate tools for communication and creative loops between the ideas and their creator/s? We can guide your teams or even do for you the following:

  • Concept Development
  • Brand Identity
  • Enviromental Design
  • Industrial Design
  • UX & UI Design
  • Rapid Prototyping
  • Software Development


Ultimately, innovation is the successful commercialization of a creative idea, but how to implement the right operations to ensure a sustainable market dominance? Our methodology integrates implementation solutions in the following areas:

  • Marketing Plan & Funnel Strategy
  • Virtualization Strategy
  • Intelectual Property Strategy
  • Resources, Staffing & Automation
  • Personnel Training & Executive Coaching
  • Financial Analysis & Acquisition Strategy
  • Compliance Strategy