Out Of the Box Innovation Business Advisory
Many businesses struggle to grow to their full potential. However, scientific research has shown that by utilizing the power of Creativity and Innovation, any business can achieve their goals faster than they could ever imagine. As experts in this field, Oobiba Advisors have successfully built an effective system that has proven to work for our clients across Industries. Our goal is to ensure that we help as many businesses as possible to achieve their goals without wasting time, energy, and resources.
We understand how tasking and challenging it can be for a business to grow and provide value to its customers consistently. We believe that Innovation is essential in achieving outstanding success for any business. This is why at Oobiba Advisors, we focus on effective strategies that will skyrocket enterprises and take them to build the future they always imagined.
We see Innovation as the best tool which will always make a business stand out and increase profitably in a highly competitive environment. We strongly believe that Innovation is a factor that is possible regardless of the background or natural abilities that are found within a business. With the right mindset and proper systems in place, our clients can overcome every single roadblock they encounter along the way and scale their businesses to the peak. This is because creative thinking, just like any other cognitive process, can be mastered by any company, no matter the industry. As experts in Innovation, we love to build our clients with skills that will make them see beyond their counterparts; this will not only help them win over more customers but also generate creative solutions consistently.
Also, we focus on building sustainability skills, which will develop our clients’ insights and help them leverage available resources. This will ensure that their businesses last long, even under aggressive and changing environments. By having a more practical approach to creativity, our clients will be equipped with the tools for sustainable and reliable Innovations in their businesses. We work closely with our clients and help them to utilize their pre-existing knowledge. Making it possible for them to identify the best opportunities, develop and actualize new ideas, meet targets, and achieve their financial goals without delay.

Oobiba Advisor’s Overview on Innovation and Creativity
At Oobiba Advisors, Individual creativity is drastically enhanced and developed by leveraging various discoveries in neuroscience. Clients can now build up proprietary techniques that will help them achieve the most creative solutions from any group environment. We strongly believe that the ultimate Innovation is developed internally. This is why we always focus on building and enhancing the inner development of our clients. Once this is done, they will be able to implement strategic and practical approaches and get the best out of design and creativity.
For Innovations to come into action, it is crucial that the right mindset is built, and the emotional frame is set free to express itself. This is because when companies focus more on “why” the need for Innovation, they are able to develop useful ideas and creative solutions which will turn the business around positively.
Creativity, as we know, goes beyond the analytical thinking processes that society is used to. It focuses on algorithms and strategies which most people don’t understand. This is why at Oobiba Advisors, we serve our clients with years of experience and proven expertise across various aspects of creativity. These include “Design Thinking,” “Critical Thinking,” or “Strategic Thinking.”
We are also well-versed and established with Innovation, which can either be Entrepreneurial, Corporate, or Social. These usually happen at three levels: in the final Products, in the Business Models, and the Operational Processes.While a higher percentage of businesses still take a traditional approach towards their development, we help our clients ensure a higher rate of success by developing business models or operational systems which come at a reduced level of risk.
Furthermore, when it comes to Innovation, there are different approaches that companies take. Most businesses follow a centralized hub of Innovation while others are following a Reversed Innovation in which innovation centers that are distributed across various locations to leverage the opportunities and needs of a globalized world. This is why at Oobiba Advisors, we work with all types of business approaches, and we will suggest the best strategies based on our client’ s specific needs and market requirements.
As a result of our knowledge and expertise, we have concluded that there are two fundamental forms of Innovation which our clients can choose to go for. The first concept is the Incremental Innovation. This is a concept that focuses on the improvement and development of solutions that have already been proven to work. On the other hand, we have the Disruptive Innovation which introduces something entirely new to the market. While this second move can be rewarding, we believe that depending on the circumstances, taking the next step on what has already been established can help businesses reduce risk and still secure a profitable position in the market. We work with our clients to create custom solutions to decide the best strategies for their particular situations.

Individual and Group Creativity
We, at Oobiba Advisors, will always put in our expertise and knowledge to ensure that we bring out the best from our client’s teams. However, we must first go through the stage of enhancing the individual creativity of the team members.
While most people believe that creativity is a special skill that can not be replicated, our studies and expertise have proven that creativity can be taught across different individuals to generate specific results. This is because we realize that creativity has a close relationship with knowledge, thinking processes, and Emotions. This is why we often set up coaching sessions with our various clients to show them the effectiveness of individual creativity in achieving success.
With neuroscience, we have been able to discover how our thinking process can lateralize our brain functions. This leads to two types of thinking, which are the analytical-deductive and the synthetic-inductive. Further studying has made us realize that the synchronization of these two processes leads to higher creativity results. This is why we at Oobiba Advisors focus on achieving this level of thought combination in every single one of our strategies.
Additionally, we have discovered through science and History that there is a relationship between our state of consciousness and our thought processes, which can lead to achievements in business operations. This is why when working with our clients, we focus on creativity principles, which were applied by great scientists such as Nobel Prize Richard Feynman, Steve Jobs, Michael Crichton, Buckminster Fuller, Thomas Edison, and so on.
At Oobiba Advisors, we are experts across all fields, which applies to group Innovation. This is why we have developed several tools and techniques which will guide our clients on how to enhance group creativity, select creative teams, motivate them, lead their members to perform excellently, and achieve innovative results. Also, even though building a creative group requires more skill sets than any other type of management, we are always there to support our clients and help them in leveraging the creativity of their team members successfully.

The Innovation Process
Our years of experience as innovators have made it possible for us to split up the creative process into different aspects, which makes it easier for our clients to work with. The most important ones would be Context, Identification of Opportunities, Development of Ideas, Formalization, and Implementation.
Once our clients have been adequately trained on these concepts, they are able to maximize opportunities and reinforce every weak point in their business to create a balanced creative-frame-work.

Leveraging the Context
At Oobiba Advisors, we don’t slow down in providing our clients with adequate support to help them with essential changes in their organizations to achieve Cross-Pollination, Divergent and Convergent Thinking, and Individual and Group Creativity. We always let our clients understand that the essential requirement for Innovation is knowledge. This means that a field must be mastered before creative ideas can be generated.
Even though different studies show that an extended period of ten years is required before innovative ideas can be achieved, we believe that this doesn’t apply to every situation. Our years of experience have made us realize that with the creation of the right groups, Innovation can be achieved much faster. This is why we always work hand in hand with our clients to help them develop the right environment for creativity within their organization.
We also believe that cross-pollination of different ideas is essential for the success of any business. This is what Frans Johansson describes as the “Medici Effect.” This effect originates from the History of Florence, where the Medici family achieved their space in History by forming a union between multiple talents from various disciplines such as thinkers, musicians, architects, engineers, doctors, etc. This is why we focus on building a cross-pollination of skills with every one of our clients.
At Oobiba Advisors, we love to implement our tactics and strategies and relate them with our immediate context. This is because we have learned over the years that the best option for any business is to focus on the demands of the current environment. As a result of this, we always incorporate new tools and new layers of information that will be useful for the innovation process of our clients.

Identification of Opportunities
We believe that for Creativity and Innovation to be adequately effective, it needs first to identify the right problem. This is why Peter Drucker stated that the difficult part of a business is to find the right questions, not the correct answers. This is why whenever we work with our clients, we always maintain a focus on the interrogations and questions that are being asked by the customers or inner teams. This makes it possible for us to detect the different aspects that require modification in each business. Once this has been detected, we relate them to the market, and we can come up with practical solutions.
To come up with a more effective Innovation, we always train our clients on how to observe the market and study everything relating to their products or services. This will develop insights about the various needs of the customers. Once our clients can get this information, it will be much easier for them to come up with effective techniques that will boost their conversion rates and generate higher profits.
Also, while some strategies focus on observing the market, it is essential to place a focus on providing completely new solutions. This is known as the “Value Innovation” approach. Relating to this is a famous quote from Steve Jobs, who implied that it is not possible to ask clients what they want because, by the time that it is created, they will want something else. This is why we always ensure that we focus on creating value every single time so that our clients can satisfy their customers consistently. At Oobiba Advisors, we develop personalized plans, resources, and objectives, which will help our clients grow their business significantly.
Most consultants and creators focus on divergent thinking, and to try to think “outside the box.” This can be quite effective and can help a business develop. However, we have detected from experience that it is better not to depend on this alone and apply other strategies as well. This is because there are proven techniques that work faster when we think “inside the box,” such as Systematic Inventive Thinking (SIT). We at Oobiba Advisors are experts in both directions for strategic Innovation, and we always adapt our guidance to our client’s specific requirements and needs.

While many innovators look outside of their framework for opportunities, we believe that we can discover a lot of possibilities by tapping into our subconscious. This is also directly associated with emotions and knowledge, making opportunities for Innovation higher and more authentic. This is why we have set up various training which will introduce all our clients to the different tools which will help them understand personality types and gain access to deep levels of their minds. Other strategies like “Appreciative Inquiry” will also be introduced, and our team is available to guide our clients through the process and help them find the opportunities that will bring Innovation into their business.
Idea Generation
The creative process involves a critical step, known as the incubation and insight phase. Insights simply refer to the introduction and combination of different unrelated ideas to achieve an effective solution. However, these ideas usually come from various sources that may be indirect and completely unrelated. An excellent example of this was Steve Job’s interests in non-related things like calligraphy, meditation, automobiles, and technology.Over the years, Oobiba Advisors has developed multiple proprietary systems to improve and develop ideas through Insights.
We also use with our clients several brainstorming solutions, such as “Round Robin Technique,” “Speedstorming,” and “Brainwriting” such as the “635 Method”, “Nominal Group Technique (NGT),” “Cyberstorming” or the “Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS).” Our goal is that these techniques will help our clients recognize Insights and generate innovative ideas from them, which will facilitate growth and development within their organization.
Neuroscience links Insights with a higher activity of the right side of the brain (also related to divergent thinking or “Lateral thinking” as named by Edward de Bono). Based on this fact, all our clients are guided through a powerful tool created by de Bono called Six Thinking Hats,”, which brings in Impressive results and also generates strategies for group creativity.
However, Over the years, we have discovered that Individuals can develop insights much better than Groups. This is why we always focus on Individual Insight enhancement strategies when working with our clients.
We work with our clients to help their members build skills on “strategic intuition,” where we work on factors such as opportunism, adaptability, and being present while observing the context of a specific market and business resources.
As part of Oobiba Advisors’ methods, we focus on developing both individual and group insights through a technique called “Catchball Technique”, which has given excellent results over decades of application.

Development of Innovation
Finally, for a business to be successful, there’s one final phase that must be covered. It is the “Implementation” of ideas and can be traced back to the words of Schumpeter from almost a century ago at “The Theory of Economic Development,” who described Innovation as the successful commercialization of creative ideas.
We also focus on training our clients on how to connect with their ”internal voice,” which is crucial in coming up with innovative ideas. This is another stage of the creative process, which is what we, at Oobibas Advisors, call “Experimentation and Formalization.” It is a process that focuses on the relationship between an idea and the creator. This brings back information that is important to the success of a project.
We also teach our clients how to build upon ideas that have been formalized during the creative process. A perfect example of this can be seen in the working process of Picasso, who used to make various themes but didn’t use them for his final works. This is because he was learning from these unfinished ideas, and he would often say: “I know now where I am going, so I will start from scratch.” This is the kind of mindset that we teach our clients as it helps them become more skilled in their creative process. They can quickly achieve success in their business by leveraging targeted resources.
These ideas can also be formalized through drawings, writings, specialized software, and many other strategies. While working with our clients, we aim to create specialized software to adapt to their needs or to suggest the best tools that are already available in the market. Using these tools, interchangeably, is sufficient to bring about Innovation, and this is why we always pay extra attention to the technology our clients use for their processes and systems.
We also focus on working with multiple Industries as we consistently come up with strategies that will help our clients formalize ideas better. This will help them to think creatively using solutions like “rapid prototyping,” among others.

Over the years, we have discovered that to achieve a sustainable Innovation, it is crucial to understand how ideas are filtered before launching them into the market. This is why we work with our clients to apply “lean” strategies to minimize resources, by implementing filtering methods like “The Idea Funnel” or the “Oobiba Door System.”
We, at Oobiba Advisors, will guide and develop the Innovation skills of the client’s team through a systematic methodology that is tailored to a specific business, market, and resources. By applying these strategies, you, our client, will be able to achieve higher profitability and growth for your business.